The APPIC Post-Match Vacancy Service
Instructions for Internship Training Directors
Updated July 1, 2024
The 2024 APPIC Post-Match Vacancy Service is now open
and will remain available through September 30, 2024
***** IMPORTANT *****
Effective July 1, 2024, the procedure for receiving applications
from students in the PMVS has changed. See below for details.
The APPIC Post-Match Vacancy Service (PMVS) provides an opportunity for you to post information about positions in your program that remain unfilled at the conclusion of both Phases of the APPIC Match. Upon learning that you have unfilled position(s) on APPIC Phase II Match Day (March 20, 2024), you may notify APPIC that you wish to include those vacancies in the PMVS. Students who remain unmatched will have access to the list of positions and may begin submitting applications the next day, at 9:00 am Eastern Time on March 21, 2024. The PMVS remains available through September 30, 2024.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If an intern withdraws or is terminated from a position at your internship program for any reason, either during the internship year or prior to the start of the year, you must consult with APPIC (click here to initiate a consultation request) regarding the departure and before announcing or filling this vacancy.
Doctoral programs fall into one of three eligibility categories:
- Eligible for participation in both the Match and PMVS: The doctoral program must: (a) be accredited by an eligible accrediting body or have been awarded an accreditation site visit, and (b) be approved by APPIC for Doctoral Program Associate (DPA) status and have paid all applicable fees. Students from these programs are eligible to participate in the Match and Post-Match Vacancy Service.
- Eligible for participation in the PMVS only: Doctoral programs that do not meet the above requirements but do meet other standards established by APPIC. Students from these programs are NOT eligible for Phase I/II of the Match but ARE eligible for PMVS participation in 2024.
- Ineligible: Students from doctoral programs that do not fit into one of the above two categories are not eligible for participation in the Match or PMVS and are not eligible to attend an APPIC-member internship program.
Only students from the first two categories are authorized to submit an application via the Post-Match Vacancy Service.
LIST OF ELIGIBLE DOCTORAL PROGRAMS: If you have questions about an applicant's eligibility to participate in the PMVS, a list of eligible doctoral programs may be found at the National Matching Services web site under "Eligible Doctoral Programs" (students may use the 2024 PMVS if their doctoral program is included in this list and designated as either "Match & PMVS" or "PMVS Only"). Please note that there may be both eligible and ineligible doctoral programs at the same school or university. Additional information on applicant eligibility for the 2024 APPIC PMVS may be found here.
An applicant is eligible to use the APPIC Post-Match Vacancy Service if he/she meets ALL of the following requirements:
- Be matriculating through a doctoral program that is eligible to participate in the 2024 PMVS. See the previous section above for information about obtaining a list of eligible doctoral programs.
Applicants who have already graduated from their doctoral programs are not eligible. While an applicant must be matriculating through an eligible doctoral program, there is NO APPIC requirement to be registered or paying tuition for any particular semester in order to be eligible to participate in the Post-Match Vacancy Service.
Students who are enrolled in doctoral-level respecialization programs or who attend Universities outside of the U.S. and Canada should consult the Intern Applicant Policy for participation requirements.
- Has not been placed into a position by the APPIC Match.
- Has not accepted or committed to any other internship position.
- Has been authorized to participate by their doctoral program.
Applicants who meet all four of these requirements are eligible to participate in the 2024 APPIC Post-Match Vacancy Service. Applicants who do not satisfy these requirements may not participate in the 2024 Post-Match Vacancy Service and may not apply to or attend APPIC-member internship programs. Students who did not register for or participate in the 2024 APPIC Match are eligible as long as they meet the requirements outlined above. Students who have been matched into a position by the APPIC Match, or who have already accepted an internship position, are contractually bound to attend that internship program and may not seek other internship positions.
All APPIC-member internship programs are eligible to use the Post-Match Vacancy Service. Programs with vacant positions after Phase II are NOT automatically listed in the PMVS; in order to participate in the PMVS, they must submit a request as outlined below.
Following is an overview of the Post-Match Vacancy Service process from the perspective of an internship program. The process begins on APPIC Phase II Match Day, March 20, 2024, and continues through September 30, 2024.
STEP 1: List your Vacant Position(s) in the PMVS
- The APPIC Post-Match Vacancy Service may be used by Training Directors to fill positions that remained unfilled in Phases I and II of the APPIC Match, as well as any new positions that may come available after the Match is over. Advertising via the PMVS is optional, and Training Directors may instead use other methods to advertise vacant internship positions (or may choose to close positions without filling them).
- If you wish your vacant position(s) to be included in the initial list of vacancies that is made available to students on March 21, you must submit your announcement to APPIC (as described below) on March 20. Later submissions will be added to the list of vacancies as soon as possible.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your vacant positions are NOT automatically listed in the PMVS at the conclusion of Phase II. Training Directors who wish to list vacant positions in the PMVS must send an e-mail message as described below. Applicants will have no way of knowing about your vacancy(ies) unless you submit this information. The request must come from the internship Training Director as listed with APPIC and NMS, or be accompanied by written authorization (e-mail is acceptable) from that individual. Vacancies will be posted to the "current list of available positions" page on the APPIC web site as soon as possible, and the AAPI service will be set up to receive applications for the positions that you have posted.
To list your positions in the PMVS, the Training Director should send ALL of the information below to Dr. Greg Keilin at in the order shown. Missing data may delay your participation.
- APPIC Member Number (4 digits)
- Name of Site (and department if appropriate)
- Location of program (city, state, province, territory)
- Name of Training Director and contact information (phone and/or e-mail)
- APA or CPA accreditation status
- A list of program(s)/track(s) with vacancies that you wish to include in the PMVS (do not list any programs/tracks that are filled), including:
- The 6-digit code number of the program/track (as listed with NMS during the Match; if you wish to offer a position in a new track that wasn't in the Match, simply specify "NEW")
- A very short 4-5 word description of the program/track (for existing tracks, use identical wording to what is listed with NMS; for tracks new to the PMVS, specify 4-5 words that clearly distinguishes this new track from any other programs/tracks at your site)
- The number of positions available in that program/track
- Text of your announcement.
- The text of your announcement should be relatively brief (i.e., a few sentences or paragraphs) and may include specific application instructions or requirements, selection criteria, or other information that is pertinent to applicants. Please do not use this service to post a lengthy description of your site or program (although a very brief description is OK), as students will automatically be provided with a link to your APPIC Directory listing.
- In order for a student to be considered for a position at your site, that student must submit a completed AAPI. The AAPI will allow submissions only to the program(s)/track(s) that you specify.
- Students have been instructed NOT to include any supplemental materials (i.e., assessment reports or treatment summaries) when initially submitting PMVS applications, even if such materials are requested by a site. However, after your initial review of applications, you are permitted to request such materials from selected applicants. These applicants should be instructed to upload their materials via the AAPI service and then notify you (e.g., via e-mail) once that has occurred. No application materials may be submitted outside of the AAPI service. If you do request supplemental materials in the PMVS, please be sure that your request conforms with the APPIC Supplemental Materials Policy, which limits the number and type of extra materials that a program may request from an applicant.
- For programs that are not accredited: APPIC has established a "Policy on Public Statements about Accreditation and APPIC Membership" that outlines important requirements for programs that have not yet achieved accreditation. Please review this policy carefully and ensure that your announcement (along with any other public statements, both written and verbal) follows its requirements. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this policy.
- Once received, your vacancies will be posted to the "current list of available positions" page on the APPIC web site. At the same time, the AAPI will be opened for students to submit applications to the tracks that you have asked to be included in the PMVS.
- Your listing will remain active for students to apply until you specifically request that you no longer wish to receive applications. If you wish to stop receiving applications for one or all of your programs, update the information listed, or notify APPIC that one or more of your tracks are filled or closed, please e-mail Dr. Keilin at the address provided above.
- If you wish to receive an e-mailed notification whenever the list of unfilled positions is updated, you may sign up for such notifications here.
STEP 2: Receive and Review Applications
IMPORTANT UPDATE (7/1/24): The AAPI service closed on June 30, 2023, and APPIC does not require an applicant to complete an AAPI if they had not yet done so by June 30. Similarly, APPIC will not require internship programs to request a completed AAPI from any applicant who had not completed one by June 30.
Applicants who completed an AAPI prior to June 30 are still required to submit a completed AAPI via e-mail when applying to an internship site after June 30.
In cases where no DCT verification was submitted by an applicant:
- Internship programs are still required to obtain DCT verification of eligibility from the doctoral program, ensuring that the student is deemed ready for internship. Such verification may be provided verbally or in writing by the DCT of the doctoral program.
- As noted below, students are required to provide current responses to the eight "Professional Conduct" questions from the AAPI.
- Internship programs are permitted to ask students to provide documentation about their experiences that would have been otherwise documented on the AAPI.
Application Submission on or before June 30, 2024 -- PLEASE SEE BELOW FOR REVISED INSTRUCTIONS
During Phase I and II of the Match, you were able to view and/or download a student's application materials via the AAPI selection portal. The PMVS operates the same way, until June 30, 2024, as students are similarly required to submit their applications via AAPI.
In order to view the applications that you have received in the PMVS, be sure that you select the program within AAPI called "Post-Match Vacancy Service".
Applicants have been instructed to send you an e-mail immediately after submitting an application to your site in the PMVS. We also recommend that you login to your AAPI portal at least every few days in order to check for new applications, just in case an applicant failed to notify you.
As noted above, you are permitted to request supplemental materials (e.g., assessment reports or treatment summaries) from specific applicants after you have reviewed their initial applications. These applicants should be instructed to upload their materials via the AAPI service and then notify you (e.g., via e-mail) once that has occurred. No application materials may be submitted outside of the AAPI service.
You should also be aware that the AAPIs you receive from applicants will not have been updated since the original application process, and thus will reflect applicants' training and experience only through October 1, 2023. Some applicants will choose to use their cover letters to provide you with information about post-October 1 experiences.
If you have questions about whether a particular applicant is eligible to participate in the PMVS, you may verify eligibility using the instructions shown in the eligibility sections above. You are also welcome to contact the Match Coordinator to consult if needed.
You may request that AAPI stop accepting applications for any or all of your programs/tracks listed in the PMVS by sending a brief e-mail to Dr. Greg Keilin at with this request. Such changes will be reflected in the "current list of available positions" page on the APPIC web site and in the AAPI.
Application Submission on or after July 1, 2024
Beginning on July 1, 2024, the AAPI portal will no longer be available for the submission or review of electronic applications for the PMVS, and applications must instead be submitted via e-mail. Applicants who completed an AAPI prior to June 30, 2024, are required to submit it as part of their applications to sites. Applicants who did not complete an AAPI prior to June 30, 2024 are not required to submit one. Below are the instructions provided to both of these groups. Please note that it is up to you as to whether or not you are willing to consider an application that is submitted without an AAPI.
Instructions for Students who Created an AAPI Prior to June 30
All of the following items must be submitted to you via e-mail as attachments:
REQUIRED - Must be submitted via e-mail:
- BOTH parts of the student's AAPI download
- Answers to the four essay questions on the AAPI
- A cover letter, tailored to each site
- A curriculum vita (CV)
- The DCTs "Verification of Internship Eligibility and Readiness" (ask your DCT to send this directly to the site; you are permitted to accept a verbal verification of readiness if the AAPI verification isn't available)
Once you have received the above items, you may contact the applicant if you wish them to provide any of the following optional items:
UPON REQUEST - Submitted via e-mail only if requested by an internship site:
- Standardized Reference Forms (usually sent by the reference-writers directly to your site)
- Transcripts
- Supplemental Materials
Instructions for Students who did NOT Create an AAPI Prior to June 30
REQUIRED - Must be submitted via e-mail:
- A cover letter, tailored to the site to which you are applying
- A curriculum vita (CV)
- Answers to these eight "Professional Conduct" items, on a separate sheet of paper, including any explanations you wish to provide:
- Has disciplinary action, in writing, of any sort been taken against you by a supervisor, educational, or training institution, health care institution, professional association, or licensing/certification board? (Yes or No – If yes, please explain below)
- Are there any complaints currently pending against you before any of the above bodies? (Yes or No – If yes, please explain below)
- Has there ever been a decision in a civil suit rendered against you related to your professional work, or is any such action pending? (Yes or No – If yes, please explain below)
- Have you ever been put on probation, suspended, or terminated or have you failed or resigned from a graduate program, practicum, internship, or employer? (Yes or No – If yes, please explain below)
- Are you currently on a performance improvement plan (e.g, learning, developmental, remediation plan, etc.)? (Yes or No – If yes, please explain below)
- Have you ever reneged on an APPIC internship match agreement (i.e., refused to attend or left an internship program that you obtained through the APPIC Match or Post Match Vacancy Service) without prior approval from APPIC? (Yes or No – If yes, please explain below)
- Have you ever been convicted of an offense against the law other than a minor traffic violation? (Yes or No – If yes, please explain below)
- Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (Yes or No – If yes, please explain below)
- Be sure to include your name and contact information in the body of the e-mail message
- Inform your Director of Clinical Training (DCT) that they must contact each of the sites to which you applied in order to verify that you are eligible and ready for internship. This may be done verbally or in writing (e.g., via e-mail).
Once you have received the above items, you may contact the applicant if you wish them to provide any of the following optional items:
UPON REQUEST - Submit via e-mail only if requested by an internship site:
- Standardized Reference Forms (usually sent by your reference-writers directly to the site)
- Transcripts
- Supplemental Materials
STEP 3: Conduct Interviews
APPIC encourages sites to conduct interviews via telephone or video-conferencing, and the vast majority of sites use those methods in the PMVS. However, you are free to implement whatever interview procedures you wish to use. If you wish to interview candidates in person, APPIC requests that you state such a requirement in your PMVS posting, and that you give sufficient advance notice so that applicants can avoid the high costs of last-minute air fares.
Please note that NMS Interview will NOT be available for use during the Post-Match Vacancy Service.
STEP 4: Make Offers
APPIC requires that, before making an offer to an applicant, you ensure that the applicant's doctoral program has verified his/her eligibility for internship. APPIC Match Policy 11c states, "Prior to making offers to fill open positions, internship training directors must ensure that doctoral programs have verified their applicants' eligibility and readiness for internship. Such verification can occur via a review of the appropriate application materials (e.g., DCT Verification of Internship Eligibility) and/or via direct communication with the doctoral programs."
When making an offer, please remember APPIC Match Policy 11b, which states: "Prior to making offers to fill open positions, internship training directors must verify with applicants, to the best of their abilities, that the applicants have not previously been matched to other internship programs nor accepted other offers." Applicants are not permitted to accept an offer if they have been matched or have already accepted an offer from another internship program.
Once you decide on a top candidate, you can make an offer directly to the applicant. It is up to you to decide how long to give the applicant to make a decision. APPIC recommends giving applicants a minimum of 24 hours to accept or decline your offer, and encourages you to provide more time than this recommended minimum in order to allow them to fully consider the offer and to consult with their doctoral faculty and family members.
An offer that is tendered by an internship program and accepted by an applicant constitutes a binding agreement between the program, the applicant, and APPIC that may not be reversed without APPIC's consent.
Once your offer has been accepted by an applicant, you must put in writing the appointment agreement with the applicant in a letter postmarked or e-mailed no later than seven days following acceptance of the offer. A copy of this appointment letter must be sent simultaneously to the applicant and to his/her academic training director. This letter must include confirmation of conditions of the appointment, such as stipend, fringe benefits, and the dates on which the internship begins and ends. See Match Policies 11f, 9, 9a, and 9b for more information.
Once all of your position(s) have been filled and/or closed, or if you wish to stop accepting applications for any/all tracks, please submit an update to the Post-Match Vacancy Service as outlined above. Such changes will be reflected in the "current list of available positions" page on the APPIC web site and in the AAPI.
Please remember that, while having an unfilled position can be frustrating for a Training Director, being an unmatched applicant is a very challenging and emotionally-laden experience. Anything that you can do to make your post-Match selection process less stressful will be greatly appreciated by applicants.
If you have questions about any aspect of the PMVS, please contact Dr. Greg Keilin, the APPIC Match and PMVS Coordinator, at (512) 410-0002 or