2007 APPIC Match: Survey of Internship Applicants
Part 2: Summary of Match Rates by Applicant and Program Characteristics
June 6, 2007
This page contains the second of two parts of the results from the survey of applicants who were registered for the 2007 APPIC Match, and provides match rates across a variety of applicant and program characteristics.
PLEASE NOTE the following important notes about these results:
1. Many of these characteristics are likely to be correlated
(e.g., having children, being older, geographic restrictions).
One should not assume cause-and-effect relationships based on
this data.
2. No significance testing has been performed on this data. Thus,
one should not assume that differences are significant.
3. Data with small n's have not had the match rate calculated.
4. Applicants who withdrew from the Match or did not submit a
Rank Order List were counted as "unmatched."
5. Match rates are calculated based on the information provided
by respondents to the survey.
All 3,698 applicants who registered for the APPIC Match were sent an e-mail message (along with two reminder e-mails) about the availability of the survey at a specific internet address. A total of 2,656 internship applicants (72%) completed some or all of the survey.
1. Type of Doctoral Program
Clinical Match rate = 79% n = 2082
Counseling Match rate = 78% n = 357
School Match rate = 84% n = 121
Combined Match rate = 80% n = 66
2. Degree sought:
Ph.D. Match rate = 83% n = 1531
Psy.D. Match rate = 73% n = 1102
Ed.D. n = 2
3. Accreditation (APA or CPA) status of doctoral program:
Accredited Match rate = 80% n = 2446
Not Accredited Match rate = 64% n = 192
4. Location of doctoral program:
United States Match rate = 79% n = 2532
Canada Match rate = 78% n = 86
Other Match rate = 39% n = 13
5. Doctoral program housed within a religiously-affiliated
Yes Match rate = 78% n = 302
No Match rate = 79% n = 1768
6. Model of doctoral program:
Scientist-Practitioner Match rate = 83% n = 1335
Practitioner-Scholar Match rate = 73% n = 948
Practitioner Match rate = 63% n = 43
Clinical Scientist Match rate = 87% n = 138
Other n = 168
7. Number of times participating in Match:
First time in Match Match rate = 80% n = 2451
Second time in Match Match rate = 72% n = 166
Third time in Match Match rate = 67% n = 12
8. Age of applicant:
Ages 21-25 Match rate = 76% n = 249
Ages 26-30 Match rate = 82% n = 1509
Ages 31-35 Match rate = 80% n = 462
Ages 36-40 Match rate = 70% n = 161
Ages 41-45 Match rate = 71% n = 75
Ages 46-50 Match rate = 73% n = 63
Ages 51-55 Match rate = 51% n = 41
Ages 56-60 Match rate = 57% n = 14
Ages 61+ n = 1
NOTE: These results should be interpreted
cautiously. There are many variables that may be
correlated with age (e.g., geographic restrictions,
having children, number of sites to which one applied).
Thus, the differences observed above, if significant,
may be due to factors other than (or in addition to)
9. Number of dependent children living with applicant:
None Match rate = 81% n = 2154
One or more Match rate = 73% n = 427
10. Number of adult dependents living with applicant:
None Match rate = 80% n = 2452
One or more Match rate = 69% n = 104
11. Current marital or relationship status:
Married/partnered Match rate = 79% n = 1454
Not married/partnered Match rate = 80% n = 1128
12. Country of citizenship:
United States Match rate = 80% n = 2348
Canada Match rate = 78% n = 120
Other Match rate = 74% n = 105
13. Gender:
Male Match rate = 81% n = 555
Female Match rate = 79% n = 2024
Other n = 2
14. Racial/Ethnic identification:
African-American/Black Match rate = 82% n = 174
American Indian/Alaskan Match rate = 83% n = 30
Asian/Pacific Islander Match rate = 84% n = 179
Hispanic/Latino Match rate = 80% n = 183
White (non-hispanic) Match rate = 79% n = 2011
Other Match rate = 80% n = 97
15. Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual Match rate = 79% n = 2387
Gay Male Match rate = 85% n = 47
Lesbian Match rate = 81% n = 46
Bisexual Match rate = 78% n = 77
16. Disability:
Disability reported Match rate = 71% n = 166
No disability reported Match rate = 79% n = 2482
NOTE: Applicants who skipped this question were assumed
to have no disability.
17. Geographic restriction on internship search:
None Match rate = 82% n = 1116
Due to significant family, Match rate = 71% n = 626
financial, and/or health
Due to personal preference Match rate = 83% n = 799
18. Completion of comprehensive / qualifying / preliminary
Prior to submitting Match rate = 80% n = 2055
internship applications
Later Match rate = 80% n = 152
19. Completion of proposal for dissertation or research
Prior to submitting Match rate = 82% n = 1546
internship applications
Later Match rate = 77% n = 699
20. Number of publications listed on vita:
Zero Match rate = 74% n = 1027
One or more Match rate = 85% n = 1231
21. Number of presentations listed on vita:
Zero Match rate = 72% n = 547
One Match rate = 77% n = 197
Two Match rate = 78% n = 182
Three or more Match rate = 85% n = 1289