The Southern Arizona VA Health Care System offers a psychology postdoctoral fellowship in advanced training and competency in the assessment and treatment of trauma. The postdoctoral fellow primarily works within the Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program for PTSD, with options for outpatient work as well. Evidence-based therapies are used, to include but not limited to, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy, and Written Exposure Therapy. Group work includes DBT skills.
Required elements of the training program include co-leading the Supervision Seminar for interns, monthly presentations regarding trauma interests, development of a program review and/or improvement project, and involvement in the interdisciplinary teams providing care.
In order to increase diversity and make our post-doc position affordable, we have determined we will no longer use APPA CAS. Please submit completed applications directly to our training director. See our brochure and make sure you are eligible for a VA position. Please note our actual start date is flexible, typically August.
Please include ALL of the requested information, listed in the program description section (below), sending it to
The Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at Southern Arizona VA Health Care System seeks energetic, personable, and well-qualified applicants with strong skills in the areas of assessment, individual therapy, group therapy, and consultation. We welcome and encourage multicultural, LGBTQ+ and in other ways diverse individuals to apply. A strong desire and evident dedication to treating veterans who have experienced trauma is a must. Interest and experience in the area of PTSD treatment should be evident in past training and/or experience. Applicants must be able to take initiative and function with good judgment, flexibility, and maturity.
Additional information about the program can be found at
The deadline for receipt of all completed application materials is January 3. All materials must be received by this date. The start date is flexible, ranging from July to September.
The following materials must be included on your application:
1. A cover letter identifying career goals, expectations of training, trauma treatment experiences, and goodness of fit with the Fellowship program
2. A doctoral program transcript (copies are acceptable).
3. A current curriculum vitae.
4. Letter of status from your academic program that includes your anticipated completion date for your degree.
5. Three letters of recommendation, one of which must be from an internship supervisor. In this portal, they are referred to as “evaluations.”
Please also answer the following questions:
General Clinical Experience
Please describe your experience in the following areas.
1. Please describe your experience in working with adults. Be sure to give specific populations and type of treatments you have provided.
2. Please describe work you have done with adults with a history of trauma. Include specific populations and type of treatments you have provided.
3. Please describe your theoretic orientation and additional theories and techniques you use in therapy.
Empirically Supported/Based Treatment Experience
Please rate your experience in the following areas (with the responses being: A. I have used this with more than 10 individuals; B. Between 1 and 10 individuals where this was used; C. No experience):
Cognitive Processing Therapy
Prolonged Exposure Therapy
Skills Training in Affect and Interpersonal Regulation
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Motivational Interviewing/Enhancement
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Seeking Safety
Group Therapy
Experience working with Veterans (Y/N)
For additional questions please contact the Interim Director of Training at:
Jane Houghtaling Walker, PhD, HSPP
(520) 792-1450 x14299 or
(520) 780-0363